Waiver of Liability
Brisa Inovação aim at providing information produced within the scope of their duties.
This information may not always be up to date or complete as there are contents which are provided by third entities. Therefore, Brisa Inovação cannot be held liable for any information which is out of date or incomplete.
Users have free access to the information contained in this page and may copy and import it for their own personal use, provided they mention its source.
This information cannot be used for profitable or offensive purposes, or changed or manipulated without expressly referring such fact.
Confidentiality statement
Under the terms of article 35 of the Portuguese Constitution and Law 67/98 of 26 October, user identity must be kept confidential.
In case of infringement committed by any user, respective identification will be made and the applicable legal proceedings will be instituted.
Web Access Symbol
The use of the Web Access Symbol does not guarantee that this site is 100% accessible. The use of this symbol "denotes webmasters concern to provide accessibility functions likely to meet the needs of people with disabilities" (NCAM).
The use of this symbol only denotes an effort to improve the accessibility of this web site. It does not correspond to any certification process carried out by any regulatory authority.
There is no way of guaranteeing that a site which uses the symbol will be 100% accessible, or was even designed following accessibility guidelines.